Measuring is our work, Quality is a daily commitment to improve our products. Results are measured with the satisfaction of our customers.
Our commitment stands on organization and performance of our instruments and we can affirm that TERMICS Division FIMIGAS is a reference in the sector.
As company philosophy we are always pursuing quality, that we wanted to certified obtaining in 1994 the Quality System certificate following ISO 9001 and that we constantly renew with commitment.
FIMIGAS offers and guarantees to the customers all products and services that today are requested for industrial gas measurements, not limiting to sell a single instrument or complex measure system but managing installation phases and start up on site, with relative metrological verification as per MID certification.
Qualified technicians are able to operate in any situation to guarantee the continuous and precise operation of our products. Also, the realization of specific programmed maintenance contracts assures to our customers a constant control of the plants and a prompt intervention in case of a breakdown.
Our intention is to guarantee continuation and reliability of our operating measurement instruments and to always be available to analyze any possible increase and/or update of the existent devices, up to realize ad hoc solutions that meet our customer necessities.
TERMICS Division FIMIGAS for the service of periodical verification, relies on the accredited metrological laboratory 17025 METROLOGIE SRL, already accredited to temperature calibration, and that is performing the steps to be accredited also as a Verification Body for the following type of devices: conversion volume devices for Type 1 and 2, in compliance with what indicated in the Ministerial Decree n.93/2017.